(A PLAY) #12
1. Confused…
2. Confused?
1. Surprised?
2. Likely. You didn’t know?
1. No. They say you can tell. That we, that women…can tell.
2. Maternal Pathology. Yes.
1. I couldn’t. I felt fine. The same.
2. It was likely early on.
1. Likely, yes.
2. And when was your last sexual encounter?
1. 4 hours ago.
2. 4 hours?
1. Yes.
2. Oh.
1. You were yesterday. There have been a few since.
2. A few?
1. 5 or 6 maybe.
2. Oh.
2. Well, Elizabeth, you’ve certainly had a miscarriage.
1. Oh. Well…ok.
2. Ok?
1. Just… I’m surprised Jeffrey. One doesn’t really expect to reach a hand down between one’s thighs and feel a gush of blood.
3. No? What does one expect to feel?