So I have fallen off the wagon, again. Clearly I am not meant to partake in a weekly project. 

It's not that I am not big on expressing gratitude and I genuinely think of this all the time. Often! "Oh! I should gratitude that person!" and I don't because I am bad at projects like this. 

Also, and maybe this is just me, but in light of some recent personal events with a person I have decided that proclaiming my love for people openly and publicly on the internet felt like a stunt. It felt like it was more about me than the people who I love. I've decided that it means more to me to look someone in the eye and tell them how much they mean to me, or send a quick text that tells someone I miss them... 

So I am not going to continue with this project. Not here, on the ol' blog anyway... But out there, in the world. The big bad real world where telling people how you feel about them is scary. Let's get scary! 

But I do love you. 




Goodness have I ever fallen off the gratitude wagon. It's been a bit too long since I made this rather public declaration of gratitude. I have no real or valid excuse but to say I've been busy and tired and trying to sort out a lot of very complicated feelings about the end of MAKING TREATY 7 and how it has all shaken out inside my head and heart. I'm not there yet and unable to speak about it except to say I am changed as a person and citizen... Or something. I'm still weighed down by it...

So, all that aside I want to pay some gratitude love to my dear dear dear dear friend Amanda Bergen!! 

I have had the immense pleasure of knowing Amanda for the past decade or so and while I was a bit afraid of her at first we soon developed a healthy competition and then, I hope, love.  

Yes. Love! I love Amanda. She is wildly compassionate and never afraid to tell you the things you need to hear, even (and perhaps especially) when you would rather not hear them. She is a tireless cheerleader for her friends and loved ones and has a heart as big as *insert big thing here*. She is bright as hell and fearless in her support of feminism, LGBTQ support and for telling everyone in the room to shut up and listen when a voice needs to heard! 

Her love for her amazing partner in crime, Jason, is a constant beacon of hope as I wade through the odd mess my romantic life often is ... And while I may not always love what she has to say about that I know she is always there for some sashimi and tears when things get sad or bad.  

Amanda is a colleague, comrade, sister in arms, kindred spirit and true soul life friend. And I'm lucky (and grateful) she's mine. 

To Amanda!  


Catching up?  (no nice links from my phone? Sorry...) 

What it's all about:

Week One:

Week Two: ​

Week Three:​


The list of people I'm grateful for grows by the second and 52 weeks is hardly enough time to express it all... And I had a plan for this week but then I crashed my car with three amazing artists on our way to work and this weeks big fucking love in belongs to them! 

Cherish Violet Blood, Moe Clark and Garret Smith! Thank you for being cool about me crashing into another car with y'all in the car. It sucked and I feel terrible. 

You patience and compassion means the world and I'm forever indebted to all of your for hugging me and providing a moment of calm after a wild moment of chaos.  

No one loves getting in car accident - well, except people who do  - but if it had to happen I'm glad it happened with three lovely humans.

Cherish, Moe and Garret are three of the most interesting, talented and wonderful artists I have had the pleasure of working with and observing! Each shades their stories and their heart with such beautiful vulnerability and work hard to ensure that the space is safe for everyone to do the same.  

We haven't known each other long and I'm sorry our early days had to include a car accident but I love all your guts and thanks for being awesome. 

Sorry about the crash!  



A Year of Gratitude: Week Two MAUREEN KENNEDY

If you're curious what this is all about catch yourself up here

This week's gratitude can fall to no one but my mother, Maureen Kennedy. Right now is she is diligently watching over my sad and sick cat Gary and his sad and sick tummy. She texts and emails to let me know how he's going and is never afraid to check in with the vet. She cares quite a lot of all the creatures of our earth. Well, her daughters and their fat cats anywhere. 

Some favourite things about my mom: 

  • Her students are never afraid to come out to her and share their souls. She has created a beautifully safe space in a world so often unsafe for teenagers. 
  • She is passionate about Canadian History and wants to know the real truths of our country; even the scary ones swept under the rug. 
  • She is the most compassionate supporter of myself, my sister, her family and her mother - none of us are easy humans all of the time.
  • Every time I open a show she buys me a bracelet!  

I wasn't always the easiest person to be around, to like or to tolerate; I was wild and rude and a marvelous asshole but no matter what my mom was by my side. She was holding me when I didn't even know I was falling... And she still is. 

We're friends now. Her time is the best give she ever gives. She makes me laugh and cry and I am blessed and better for her. 

This week, and my life, is dedicated to my amazing mother. 





A Year of Gratitude: Week One - THREE AMAZING LADIES

I know, I know, I know... I said one amazing human per week but given the fact that it's fringe and I have spent the past (nearly) 10 days with three amazing women who I would be lost without. 

In absolutely no particular order: 

1) Judy Wensel  

Judy is a talent monster from Regina who, through a series of commands, included me in her fantastic show Shangri-La from the beginning.

I am so grateful to her for compassion, her generosity, her spirit, her sense of humour and play and her willingness to try absolutely anything, even when it seems crazy! I've known her such a short time and yet I know I will know her forever. 

2) Jessica Peverett 

Sometime in 2008 Jessica Peverett sent me an email about buying me a coffee. I said yes, we hit it off and the rest, as they say, is herstory. (I have NEVER used the word "Herstory" ...). 

This is our fourth theatre making adventure together but the adventures of our friendship have been endless.  

Jessica is one of the smartest and funniest humans I know and now, there is no imagining my life without her. Few have seen me ugly cry as often and few are the wonderful shoulder as she is. I would be almost and often lost without her and am so grateful to her! 

If you know her, lucky you. If you don't, find her and force her into friendship.  

Also, her cats are shockingly cute!  






3) Lana Hughes  

Of this rather illustrious list Lana is the person I have known the longest. A decade? Maybe a little more. 

Her little red head has bobbed in and out of my life numerous times and while we have worked together before this festival is the first time I've ever got to boss her around while she does her acting! 

Funny, brave, compassionate and always her wonderful, soulful self I am grateful to her for taking this ride with me, trusting me and being an awesome pal.   

Lucky me!