Goodness have I ever fallen off the gratitude wagon. It's been a bit too long since I made this rather public declaration of gratitude. I have no real or valid excuse but to say I've been busy and tired and trying to sort out a lot of very complicated feelings about the end of MAKING TREATY 7 and how it has all shaken out inside my head and heart. I'm not there yet and unable to speak about it except to say I am changed as a person and citizen... Or something. I'm still weighed down by it...
So, all that aside I want to pay some gratitude love to my dear dear dear dear friend Amanda Bergen!!
I have had the immense pleasure of knowing Amanda for the past decade or so and while I was a bit afraid of her at first we soon developed a healthy competition and then, I hope, love.
Yes. Love! I love Amanda. She is wildly compassionate and never afraid to tell you the things you need to hear, even (and perhaps especially) when you would rather not hear them. She is a tireless cheerleader for her friends and loved ones and has a heart as big as *insert big thing here*. She is bright as hell and fearless in her support of feminism, LGBTQ support and for telling everyone in the room to shut up and listen when a voice needs to heard!
Her love for her amazing partner in crime, Jason, is a constant beacon of hope as I wade through the odd mess my romantic life often is ... And while I may not always love what she has to say about that I know she is always there for some sashimi and tears when things get sad or bad.
Amanda is a colleague, comrade, sister in arms, kindred spirit and true soul life friend. And I'm lucky (and grateful) she's mine.
To Amanda!
Catching up? (no nice links from my phone? Sorry...)
What it's all about: http://www.michellekennedy.net/blog/2014/8/21/a-year-of-thanks
Week One: http://www.michellekennedy.net/blog/2014/8/21/a-year-of-gratitude-week-one-three-amazing-ladies
Week Two: http://www.michellekennedy.net/blog/2014/8/28/a-year-of-gratitude-week-two-maureen-kennedy
Week Three: http://www.michellekennedy.net/blog/2014/9/7/a-year-of-gratitude-week-three-crash-pals