bunnies and mixtapes
hello hello hello!
how's life guys? keeping well and busy? things have been motoring along here in our hero's world. there has been some toughness and a few tears lately but i'm hoping for the best. i really am.
so as some of you may know i am heading back to one yellow rabbit this fall to work on the new show for january's high performance rodeo. it's basically the best place in the entire world and it makes me so happy to be invited back.
god love the bunnies!
what this means is that yes, i am going to calgary for a bunch of time. i am taking a leave of absence from theatre alberta and heading back to what feels like my art home.
it also means taking the bus a lot. daily. twice probably. a thing i never do.
so here is what i am going to do: i have upwards of 11,000 songs on my ipod and that number is growing almost daily. to combat some of the "holy shit! i've never heard this song before" i am going to make a mix tape a day. no big drama in the choosing, just 12 or so songs that go well together-or that i imagine go well together-and i'll post the lists here so you can read them! yay!
fun, right?
this will begin next week, october 1!